Papillomas in the vagina: symptoms and treatment

Papillomas in vagina bean

Papillomas are small, benign formations in the vagina, localized in the perineal area and on the mucous membranes of the walls of the vagina. These nodes, called warts in medicine, are caused by infection with the human papillomavirus. The treatment of this type of papillomas has its own characteristics, since most of the methods for external use and alternative methods can not be used on mucous membranes.

What do papillomas look like in the vagina?

Papillomas in the vagina were closed

The woman can barely imagine what papillomas look like inside the vagina, the disease is usually diagnosed by chance during a gynecological examination.

Sometimes, with the localization of growths in the labia and the entrance to the vagina, a woman can make them grope while washing or doubling. Small warts do not manifest themselves in any way and do not cause any discomfort.

Warts look different: they can be pointed or cockcomb-like in shape. There are single papillomas or a large accumulation of growth compound. Papillomas are pointed like white villi on the legs, which can explode, in which case they emit a small amount of unpleasant fluid.

Note! In the early stages of the disease, papillomas are small spider veins inside the vagina that are difficult to notice even during a gynecological examination.

From a medical point of view, papillomas in the vagina are divided into two types:

  • Exophytic. . . These are benign formations that stand out above the surface of the mucous membrane, and are called spikes.
  • Endophytic. . . Such condylomas grow inside the epitheliiam, in appearance they are flat and not immediately noticeable. On examination, it is noted that they are small seals on the mucous membrane. These papillomas in the vagina are the most dangerous, since they can progress into malignant tumors.

The color of genital warts can be light pink or dark brown. With the development of the disease, the formations grow and merge with growths resembling cauliflower inflorescences in their appearance. Large clusters of papillomas are easily recognizable visually, in addition, they give a woman significant discomfort, especially during sexual intercourse.

When papillomas appear in the vagina, a woman may not feel the symptoms of the disease for a long time. Unpleasant sensations increase as the growths grow. During intercourse, they can be hurt, in some cases, small bleeding and pain can occur. It is this type of discomfort that usually causes a woman to go to a gynecologist, who makes a diagnosis.

Important! It is almost impossible to identify the disease at the first stage, since HPV has a long incubation period. The first symptoms may appear only 2-3 months after infection. The sooner the virus reveals itself, the better the prognosis for a full recovery.

The causes of the appearance of papillomas in the vagina

3D model of HPV (human papillomavirus)

The cause of the appearance and growth of papillomas in the vagina is infection with papillomavirus. Most often, such localization of genital warts is common for women who neglect barrier contraceptives. Sometimes a man may not know that he is a carrier of the virus, often without the symptoms of the disease, but in his partner they begin to manifest themselves clearly.

It should be noted that it is possible to become infected with the papillomavirus even with protective sexual intercourse, since the carrier of the infection can be present on the skin and hair in the area of the external male genitalia. For infection, even minimal contact with the virus carrier is sufficient. Infection occurs especially easily when a woman’s body defenses are weakened.

The development of the disease need not be caused by excessive infestation of pathogenic microflora on the mucous membranes of female genital organs. Papillomas inside the vagina begin to actively grow under the influence of several negative factors:

  • various systemic etiological diseases that negatively affect the immune status (infectious diseases, pathologies of the endocrine system, problems with the genitourinary system, and others);
  • they have undergone surgical interventions, especially those involving general anesthesia;
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, smoking;
  • drug addiction, and immunity is significantly weakened by the influence of mild drugs and tobacco mixtures;
  • promiscuous sex life, frequent change of sexual partners;
  • persistent nervous tension, stress, lack of sleep;
  • early pregnancy and the birth of an adolescent child;
  • inflammatory processes in the body, chronic sexually transmitted diseases;
  • excessive physical activity, violation of work regime and rest;
  • unbalanced diet, anorexia, lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

In addition, papillomas in the vagina can be stimulatedexternal causes, for example, poor environmental conditions or poor personal hygiene.

A catalyst for papillomavirus activation and the appearance of genital warts on the mucous membranes of the genital organs can bethe presence of HIV in the body. . .

Important! Lack of papillomas in the vagina after sexual contact with an infected man does not mean that the woman does not have contracted HPV. With strong immunity, the disease may not manifest itself in any way, but the woman herself becomes a potential source of danger.

Treatment of papillomas in the vagina

Papillomas in the vagina are only a manifestation of the human papillomavirus virus, therefore, effective treatment and a full range of measures will be used. First, antiviral drug therapy is performed, including drugs for internal use, including injections, and agents for local exposure. Prescriptions of traditional medicine, which can be used only in consultation with the attending physician, also give a certain effect. Conventional methods for external use are not always suitable for warning of vaginal papillomas, since they act on such formations too aggressively and can cause severe burns of the mucous membrane.

Medications for the treatment of papillomas in the vagina

The choice of drugs to treat papillomas in the vagina depends on the results of the examination, including some mandatory diagnostic measures: gynecological examination using mirrors to detect the presence of genital warts, examination with a colposcope, which allows you to see balanced growth, analysison the type of human papillomavirus virus.

Based on the research and the results of the analyzes, the doctor must prescribe a set of drugs for use both internally and locally. This complex includes antiviral agents, drugs to raise immunity and agents for the direct fight against papillomas in the vagina. Among these medicines, the most effective can be distinguished:

  • It is the newest way to strengthen the immune system, produced in tablet form with a dose of 1 or 10 mg. The drug has no toxic effect. In addition to raising immunity, the agent has an antitumor effect. Take 1 tablet daily before meals.
  • Tablets made from plant materials having antiviral and bacteriostatic effect. In the treatment of papillomas in the vagina, 1 tablet 3 times a day is prescribed.
  • One of the most modern antiviral drugs that act directly on pathogenic microflora. Manufactured in Israel. It also has an immunomodulatory effect. It is produced in tablet form with a dose of 500 mg. The course of treatment usually lasts 2 weeks and intake of 2 tablets 3 times a day.
  • The product is natural, is a potent immunomodulator, and also has pronounced antiviral activity. It is used for local exposure and is available in various dosage forms, including vaginal suppositories.

If papillomas are found in the vagina, the attending physician can only treat this disease with medication, since each of the drugs has its own violations and side effects. In some cases, drug therapy may be adequate and vaginal papillomas disappear after one or more treatments.

Important! Special care is required to treat papillomas in the vagina during pregnancy. Most popular antiviral drugs should not be taken during pregnancy, so no self-medication is allowed during this period.

Hardware removal of papillomas in the vagina

Elimination of papillomas in the vagina

Various hardware techniques are used to remove papillomas in the vagina in cases where drug treatment did not give the expected result. The method is selected by the doctor on the basis of the available equipment and the individual characteristics of the development of the disease.

Modern medicine offers the following methods:

  • Cryodestruction. . . Here papillomas are removed using low temperatures. A popular and well-proven method for removing formations on the skin and mucous membranes. The action is based on the ability of liquid nitrogen to destroy the structure of papillomas and stop their growth process. The latest devices are used in modern clinics. The procedure is affordable and popular because of its quick cure, although it is accompanied by some discomfort during cauterization. The cost of the procedure depends on the level of the clinic.
  • Laser removal. . . The most modern method, but also the most expensive to remove papillomas in the vagina. Its advantage is the ability to get rid of genital warts in 1 session without much discomfort. Under the action of a laser beam, the gel immediately dries on the mucous membrane and disappears.
  • Electrocoagulation. . . The method of removing papillomas in the vagina is based on the ability of electric current to destroy the structure of the growths on the skin and mucous membranes and stop their growth.
  • Radio wave removal. . . This is the least painful way to remove papillomas, so it is especially popular. Under the influence of radio waves, the virus of the virus is destroyed, and further multiplication of pathogenic cells is impossible.

Hardware methods for removing papillomas in the vagina are associated with certain complications due to the impossibility of accurately acting on the growths deep in the vagina, therefore, the procedure can only be performed by an experienced physician. .

Folk remedies for papillomas in the vagina

Sea buckwheat oil from papillomas in the vagina

Doctors do not usually oppose traditional methods of treating papillomas on the skin, but formations on the mucous membranes require special care. This is especially true for papillomas at the entrance to the vagina and its walls. Localization of such growth does not exclude the possibility for women to act accurately on the surface of genital warts, and there is a high risk of burning of the surrounding tissues.

From traditional medicine, you can use sea buckthorn oil, which has a bactericidal effect, ammonia and tar soap.

It should be understood that there are alternative methods of treatment in addition to the main therapy, since they can not get rid of the root cause of the appearance of genital warts. The human papillomavirus virus can only be eradicated with the help of long-term systemic treatment under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

Important! Mandatory discussion with the attending physician is required to use any prescription for traditional medicine.

Prevents the appearance of papillomas in the vagina

Eating fruit - prevent the appearance of papillomas in the vagina

Prevention of the appearance of papillomas in the vagina is reduced by adhering to the following recommendations:

  • not to have suspicious sex without using a condom;
  • if possible, inquire about the health status of the sexual partner;
  • careful monitoring of personal hygiene;
  • avoid nervous and physical overload;
  • adhere to the right diet, eat more fruits and vegetables;
  • consult a doctor about the first signs of the disease.

Finally, it should be noted that HPV is a very common virus, and not all patients have significant symptoms of infection. Treatment of papillomas in the vagina requires treatment at the earliest stages of the disease, in this case, complex therapy can give a good effect.